Monday, June 14, 2010

Crisis Caused by Whose Diplomatic Mistakes?

             US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, has pointed a finger at the EU for the deteriorating relations between the USA and Middle East. I would like to make a counterargument and point out that if there is anybody to blame on the escalating diplomatic crisis in the Middle East, it is the USA that has caused it with its narrow minded policies toward that region. It is the blind support of the USA of Israel that has caused this drift and various mistakes in the strategies in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan, and not the EU’s policies toward Turkey.
             Yes, as William Hague stated in the World Economic Forum, the EU has made a strategic error in distancing itself from Turkey, but it does not mean that the division of Cyprus or the worries of Germany and France over immigration of Turkish citizens to the EU are the problems with no possible diplomatic solutions. The Members of the EU are overwhelmed with the internal economic troubles and busy with bringing their deficits under control; therefore the negotiations with Turkey have not been exactly in the top of the priority list for the politicians. At the moment, the Members of the EU have to assure that their policies will guarantee a strong future for the EU and its economy and that the internal campaign promises of the each member state will coincide with the EU agreements and regulations; otherwise the question of Turkey joining the EU will lose its relevance all together. Thus one has to give these states some time to deal with their internal problems during this economic downturn before they are expected to sign new agreements and treaties, I believe that it is also for Turkey’s best interest to join the EU when the economic, financial, and political reforms for a stronger EU have succeeded. Currently the European countries are too busy on fixing the financial mess that the USA created with its under-regulated financial markets and the culture of corporate greed. Unfortunately, this culture had spread to Europe against the common sense of the Europeans who are otherwise very conservative. The EU has not forgotten Turkey, it is part of Europe and it always will be. When Israeli navy hijacked Turkish flagged ships at the high seas and caused the death of Turkish citizens, European countries strongly criticized the actions of Israel while the USA was not even capable for a valid diplomatic statement. Therefore, I don’t think the Defence Secretary of the US has any right to point his fingers at the EU, but instead he should look in the mirror for the diplomatic crisis in the Middle East.
Häly Laasme

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